苦味摸摸:喜欢这个新角色第一次看到电视剧把rape victim作为常规角色并强调其主体力量白洁篇令人眼前一亮
清朗澄明:故事告诉我们:1、出来混迟早要还;2、道上无恩义无毒不丈夫btw, 除了剧情稍欠厚实外各个角色还是很有质感的Pacino的演出依然很出彩的
拾年韵白:个人特别喜欢的一部综艺何老师跟黄磊老师简直人生导师听他们聊天聊他们的曾经会想到每年过年长辈们在一起聊天白洁篇特别家常的话很朴实也很亲切 当时看的时候这个综艺是每期必追而且一点都不舍得快进的那种期待第二季(期待)
剑侠客: themes & Hitchcockian drama in typical De Palma style. If Carlito’s way is considered as one the greatest classics of gangster movies, it’s deservedly so. The movie is bolstered by an overpowered cast & larger-than-life performances fleshing out fantastic characters. Among them, Sean Penn steals the show with an impressive portrait of a high-profile shyster turning into a Pesci-esque gangster. The script doesn’t reinvent the wheel: a crack-pusher comes out of the can, unsuccessfully tries to retire, can’t be saved by love, ends up lying on a stretcher. But it’s the perfection of the execution and the director’s signature that make for a succulent feast. Welcome to Vice City.